Monday, February 16, 2009

Paul O' Brien

Paul O' Brien was born on the 14th of April 1978 in South Africa but he grew up in Australia he is mostly known for playing the role of Constable Jack Holden in Home and Away he first appeared on the show on the 5th of August 2005 he arrived with his brother Lucas Holden and his dad Tony Holden.

It wasn't long before Jack fell for Martha Mckenzie they ended up getting married but it didn't last long they ended up getting divorced in 2007 then Jack married Sam but that did not last long either because Jack was still in love with Martha and Sam died Jack and Martha got back together then they were struck down with the news that Martha had cancer.

They got remarried at the hospital and at the service she collapsed because she was getting worse because at that time she wasn't getting any treatment cause she was pregnant and didn't want to harm her baby but she ended up losing the baby so she caved in and decided to get the treatment after all and the treatment worked she got rid of the cancer but the happiness did not last as Jack got shot in the heart at the develpement site by his workmate Angelo he was found dead by his dad Tony who called an ambulance and they tried to revive him but it didn't work so they tried again at the hospital but still nothing.

The doctor Rachel Armstrong couldn't pronounce him dead because she is engaged to his dad Tony so she was really upset she had to get someone else to to do it everyone in summer bay took the news of his death really bad but don't worry fans because it is rumored that Jack is not dead and he is set to return back in the bay in April it is believed that he will be going undercover i don't know about you but i can't wait to see him return they shouldn't have killed him of anyway.


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